
Hello meat-creatures(meatures), I bet you lot thought we forgot, but if you thought that thought for naught, jot down this hot new stuff we got: (dot dot dot) anyway. After much ado i am pleased to announce the official launch of the VARIANT line: STANDALONECOMPLEX<(a Kusanagi variant) [per cap] Noopept-50mg Oxiracetam-500mg Piracetam-400mg Standalonecomplex is a…


Hello again users, I’ve gotten a few emails recently about the lack of recent posts, so heres an update on whats going down here at the olde neurohub. As my last post stated, we’re in a streamlining phase right now-  We became busier than anticipated and our original framework became outdated pretty quickly, so we…

New chems New chems

Good evening noots and noot-ettes(see what i did there) It sure does seem that way GlaDOS. So, whats the news? Well, its been a crazy busy couple of weeks no doubt due to the rush of school firing back up all over, but as of right now all orders made(before today) have been sent out…