My goodness, animals
I hope you’re all enjoying this brand new year, ive been meaning to write for the better part of a week but the time didnt really present itself
Lots of things so lets get down to it <3
You may have noticed that Coluracetam(10mg) phased in about a week ago under the radar. Packs of 10, 25, 50 and 100 are now available 😀
We will make every attempt to keep this in stock full time.
The blast sampler is finally at its end stages and should be available next week sometime. It looks good, and youll all be surprised. In theory its available now, but it deserves its own focus post <3
Size 1 caps
We got our new gear in and caps should be in tomorrow. Once they’re here, the great transition from ’00’ to the fair bit smaller ‘1’ sized caps will begin, and you can expect them to start popping up in pretty much everything under a 400mg dosage once our buffer stores are all gone. I’d say a week for most, maybe less. Depending on how much smaller these caps actually are, this may open up a 125 cap tier too, which would be pretty swell.
Still finalizing everything and waiting to release the blast pack so it can be included on the menu without having to update it anyway post-release. Its also currently a little larger than i’d prefer since id like it easily printable, so still some slicing and dicing to do but its comprehensive enough and coming right along.
Custom Order Days
We’re going to try this out at our discretion a couple of days per month(every other weekend maybe, we’ll make a post to notify you, we’re thinking of starting a twitter account in the near future to more easily notify you guys about this kind of thing, its sort of just another thing to do at this point); If you have a specific blend you’ve built in your mind or you want to tweak a current blend to better suit your needs, contact us on said ‘custom order days!’ for a quote, and we may be able to make it happen.
Orders of 50 and up only, and please, serious inquiries only(read: prices will start at $35 per 50 and go up from there) Custom orders will take less or equal time to ship as regular orders, but orders with multiple custom blends may take longer. We’ll see how it goes.
StandAloneComplex and Oxi Solos
Theres a delay on the batch due to unforeseen problems with our supplier(its not quality related), but oxi’s on the way soon so StandAloneComplex and Oxi solos should be up by mid-February.
So thats it for now, BLAST sampler drops next week, hopefully the menu will come the week after that, and there always something new brewing in the lab beyond that, isnt there?
Stay tuned,