Update Bridge-o-rama(making an appearance before being shooed back to the kitchen!)

Alright Brainycats(get it), Back from another patented bi-monthly absence! [UPDATE TIME] -OXIRACETAM……………Is finally here…….………………….again! Oxi(750+950), OxiCho and StandAloneComplex are once again available, as you may have noticed.  We have enough for the foreseeable future, but will be ordering more soon just in case customs decides to hold onto it for another month for shites and wiggles.…

Alright Freaks and Geeks

[The shuttlebrains ready for BLAST off] All compounds in the blast sampler are individually packed/labelled, then are heatsealed into mylar pouches for transport.  Blastpacks include 5 caps each of 17 different compounds/blends(10 caps each for a large pack), a full dosing/class sheet and some stickers, to trick you into advertising for us while ruining other…

Coluracetam, BLAST Sampler, new caps and more

My goodness, animalsI hope you’re all enjoying this brand new year, ive been meaning to write for the better part of a week but the time didnt really present itself Lots of things so lets get down to it <3 ColuracetamYou may have noticed that Coluracetam(10mg) phased in about a week ago under the radar. …


Hello meat-creatures(meatures), I bet you lot thought we forgot, but if you thought that thought for naught, jot down this hot new stuff we got: (dot dot dot) anyway. After much ado i am pleased to announce the official launch of the VARIANT line: STANDALONECOMPLEX<(a Kusanagi variant) [per cap] Noopept-50mg Oxiracetam-500mg Piracetam-400mg Standalonecomplex is a…


Hello again users, I’ve gotten a few emails recently about the lack of recent posts, so heres an update on whats going down here at the olde neurohub. As my last post stated, we’re in a streamlining phase right now-  We became busier than anticipated and our original framework became outdated pretty quickly, so we…

Itsall Partofthe Plaaaaaaan

Good Evening, [its update time] How are we all on this fine night?  We’re pretty shiny because we now have Oxiracetam in and available(only at the ebay store for a week or two, available in doses of both 750mg AND 950mg), which brings our compound count up to a smooth, even 20. Le Roster is:…

New chems New chems

Good evening noots and noot-ettes(see what i did there) It sure does seem that way GlaDOS. So, whats the news? Well, its been a crazy busy couple of weeks no doubt due to the rush of school firing back up all over, but as of right now all orders made(before today) have been sent out…