Hello Pharmanauts, welcome (back?) to animalpharm. Its been a few weeks since my last update, so heres the low-down, the high-up and the in-betweeners: SHOP FULLY STOCKEDSo we’ve moved just about everything into the shop now;  Noopept, Noopept/Choline, Adrafinil and Adrafinil/Milk Thistle Reboots, the original 3, Nearly Natural and sample packs.  Planning on putting out…

SHOP IS LIVE!: Adrafinil Debacles, Tetsuo Reformed, New Samples, Nearly Natural and the firing up of the beast

Good morrow and welcome to [animalpharm] kids! Lend me your eyes! [your damp, glistening eyes] Lots of stuff going on this week, hence the late edition of my ‘Sunday’ post, coming at you, right now.                                     adrafinil and ebay Ok, theres been a lot of messages so allow me to explain. Ebay has, as of…

Sunday Funday, AKA Wheres all the new stuff at?

Hello hello to all of you protoevolutionaries out there, today im going to touch on as many things in as little time as possible; its beautiful out. WHERES THE ADRAFINIL? You may have recently noticed that Adrafinil has suddenly become a sonavabitch to get a hold of(on ebay at least), the story is that the…

Mother of pearl over here

Hey PharmAnimals, just a quick pop-in update while i have a chance. First off, thanks so much for the support.  We’re stabilizing a bit, which means we may be able to carry more compounds soon, and buy larger quantities too, which is super and easier. I busted my shoulder up pretty bad on Sunday so…

New ingredients and restock info and things

Evening/Morning, cats. Just a quick update on the restock:(look up animalpharm on ebay for full stock, the bigcartel store wont be online for another month) Made up a batch of Adrafinil (300mg) + Milk thistle (200mg) REBOOT, the reasoning is that i’ve been getting messages from students that use adrafinil relatively frequently for cramming and…


Heres some new minimal headers you glitterbugs. The store should be restocked in the next few days, waiting on some Milk thistle to get here for a new Reboot dual-compound (Adrafinil+Milk Thistle), also waiting on some Bacopa Monnieri straight from India. Still working on the recipe for ‘Cog Aug- Be Complex’Check for known issues with…

[AnimalPharm] has landed!

Hello all you cool cats, this is just placeholder as i build this up into a proper site. The immediate concerns in terms of site constructions are: -Explaining who exactly we are and what we intend to be doing here at [AnimalPharm]. -Setting up a proper shopping cart system. -Keep this blog updated with new…